Campaign Templates Center

Right click or option-click the link and choose “Save As…” to download the desired template.

Paid Campaign Template: Google Adwords

Paid Campaign Template: Bing

Mixed Campaign Template: Social, Paid, Offline, Email,…

Prepare a CSV file

Importing a CSV file enables you to add campaigns to CampaignAlyzer account at once. To help ensure a successful import, review the formatting guidelines below.

  1. Download template.The easiest way to import campaigns is to download one of the CSV files above and simply edit the downloaded file. Please follow the process below.
  2. Include a column header row.CampaignAlyzer treats the first row as a column header row. Please insure to include the following column headers: campaign, medium, source, content, term, extra parameter, url. (Note: the columns order is not important as long as the header is in place)
  3. List each item on its own row.CampaignAlyzer requires that each row in your CSV or TSV file describes a single entity within a campaign. For example, if you are sending your visitors to different landing pages within the same campaign, each URL should be listed separately. (The “Term”, “Content”, and “Extra Parameter” are optional fields)
  4. Save file as CSV.Be sure your file is saved in one of the supported formats: CSV (Comma Separated Values), TSV (Tab Separated Values), or CSV for Excel. CampaignAlyzer will not import your file if it’s saved in the wrong format or encoding; for example, CampaignAlyzer does not import Microsoft Excel (.xls, .xlsx) formatted files so if you edit it in Excel make sure to Save As csv.
  5. Import.Once you have prepared your CSV file, follow these steps to import it:
    • Select Import Campaigns from the side bar menu.
    • Browse to load your file.
    • Click Import.


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