CampaignAlyzer is a cloud-based application that acts as a central repository platform where organizations that are using Google Analytics can store their marketing campaign values in one database. Marketing agencies and digital marketers across an organization would have the ability to collaborate in tagging various online and offline campaigns, and ensure consistency in their campaign tagging.

As digital marketers who work directly with organizations of all sizes including Fortune 500, we can confirm that the tagging process that is used today by most organizations is very inefficient and suffers from many deficiencies:

  1. It’s Cumbersome: Because the process is manual and often built in Excel sheets utilizing email to distribute the tagging sheets between divisions and departments.
  2. It’s Slow: Because the process requires days, to weeks, of unnecessary time to execute, validate and share. The traditional and manual tagging is also a very labor-intensive process which typically involves many human resources.
  3. It’s Error-prone: Because the manual, excel-based process requires multiple custom formulas, which have the potential of not being calculated and updated correctly.
  4. It’s Rigid: Because manual tagging by nature is not capable of easily adapting to and incorporating changes that occur in the business, such as changing the campaign tracking variables or changing the attribution model or adding extra campaign tracking variables for a new analytics tool or changing the Analytics reporting tool all together.

With CampaignAlyzer, now you can streamline your campaign tagging into a process that is Efficient, Timely, Accurate, Adaptive, Value-added and Business critical. With CampaignAlyzer your analysts wouldn’t worry about campaign tags and where they should go, instead they’ll now have more time to do what they should be doing in the first place; “Data Analysis” and measuring the success and the impact of the marketing campaigns.

You need CampaignAlyzer:

  • To accurately track your customer Journey
  • To successfully manage the tagging naming conventions when multiple marketing agencies are working on various campaigns
  • To move all your campaign tagging solutions to the cloud for easy usability and accessibility.
  • To separate your campaign management from the Analytics tools for data security.
  • For more accurate and clean traffic channels’ report


CampaignAlyzer will help you:

1. Unlock the Power of your Analytics Tool!
Move beyond the visits and pageview reports and see how your marketing campaigns help in creating sales and conversions.

2. Discover which Channels Influence your Buyers
Tag, validate, and manage your online marketing programs to ensure you reach your business goals.

3. Measure the Real Value of your Marketing Campaigns
Measure the success and impact of your marketing campaigns by aligning them with your on-site conversions and ecommerce transactions. Identify which channels deliver the highest impact.


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